Email Samples to Professor For Acceptance letter-CSC Scholarship - Jobs-Scholarships Information Hub

Email Samples to Professor For Acceptance letter-CSC Scholarship

csc scholarship-Many people sending  200 emails, 300 emails but no reply- Pleas follow the below format and instruction  i am sure you will get an acceptance letter

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[ Pleas read it carefully before  writing an email to professor ] 

Acceptance letter is an optional document to apply CSC  Scholarships so you must try for acceptance letter but patiently. It has seen many people talking that they  sent 200 emails, 300 emails but no reply. When you are sending an email to Professor, write something about his/her research direction or project and also about your own research/project. Attach your good CV in email. (CV format  will available soon) Both formats of CV (doc and PDF) are acceptable but PDF is recommended. Talk about your research paper published  (if any) in your email and also mention the link of your published research papers in your CV. I'm sure that you will get a reply. Write email for acceptance around December – January , sometime people also got response in February.


  Dont forget  you are representing your country as an ambassador your single mistake can  create problems  for others  others."  

To: xyz E,mail. Address of professor.

Subject:  Request for For Master / PhD supervision , don’t write request acceptance latter in e.mail subject. Ask him for acceptance latter in  the 

Email body::

Sample 1.

Respected Professor or name like Respected Dr.Z.Hang

Hope every thing will be fine there.

I am XYZ from [country name]. I have done my Becholar/BS,MS, in the field of [your subject) e.g Information Technology (Major Software Engineering) from University of Education a well known University in [country name]. by visiting your profile , i got interest in your work direction.

I have broad spectrum work range whatever available in your lab and project. I am solely interested in doing research in MS/Master under your supervision and all the expenses of my research will be covered by Chinese Govt Scholarship.

Please accept me in your kind supervision and my all study expenses will cover by Chinese Govt. Scholarship.I need Provisional Acceptance Letter from you.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration and for any comments you could give me.My Resume in  below  attachment for your further consideration.
I am hopeful for your positive response


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Sample 2

Respected Sir xxxx yyy,

I hope you will be fine. I am xxxx yyyy from [country] international  student and want to apply xxxxxxx yyyyy zzzzz University, funding will be provided china scholarship council.

My major subject is Agriculturexxxxxx; I am graduated from well known xxxx yyyy University xyz. In my B.Sc / Msc (hons) thesis title was " xxxxxxxxxxxxx" My study will likely focus on " research filed of professor or relvent research papers" under your kind supervision.

I hope you don’t mind my getting in touch, but ’d like to inquire whether you are currently accepting Master/PhD students under Supervision through china scholarship council. I request you to give me “Acceptance letter” as my  Master/ PhD supervisor so I can join your department if I succeeded to get Chinese Government scholarship” 2020.

 Again Thanks for your consideration.


Xxxxx yyyyy
Department of xxxx
Xyz university
Regards: XYX

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Email Samples to Professor For Acceptance letter-CSC Scholarship Email Samples to Professor  For Acceptance letter-CSC Scholarship Reviewed by @Something New on December 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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